Read It and Weep

it's over. move to somnia.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2004

OK, so. Languages. Despite the loads of encouragement I've gotten from friends of the years, I've always felt like I'm not really good at other languages. Reading, good. Writing, great. Spitting out a phrase or two, fine. But I've always likened holding a conversation in another language to breathing under water. It just doesn't feel natural and it makes me really nervous.

So you can imagine my distress when I had to try breathing under water for real. But I did it! I went scuba diving for the first time last week. I spent so much of the first dive focusing on not hyperventilating and keeping seawater out of my mask that I barely had time to wave at the anemones and enjoy the feeling of coral stratching my ankles. (I was so exhausted when I got back to the surface that I barely noticed the leech dropping off my suit. (Yes, ew.)

My second dive was so much better, it was amazing. It really is completely unlike anything else I've ever done, and while I'm not jumping at the chance to do it again, it was still an experience I'm thankful to have had.

And now, strangely, I feel much more confident in my Italian.

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