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Friday, January 02, 2004
The Sounds of New Year's Eve in Rome's Piazza del Popolo

Bang!^1 Bang!^2 Scusi!^3 Whoosh!^4 Pfzzzzz!^5 Tanti auguri!^6 BANG!^7 Fshhh!^8 Eep!^9 Crash!^10 Whoooo!^11

1. Firecracker (noise only: decibel equivalent to gunshot)
2. Ibid
3. "Excuse me!": A thousand people trying to push past me over the course of a minute
4. Firecracker (flying, colorful)
5. Firecracker (spinning, spark-emitting: tossed on ground in a crowded area)
6. "Happy new year!"
7. Like #1, but battle-ready
8. Dozens of spumanti (not champagne) bottles opening at once
9. The sounds of people in my party reacting to getting sparkling wine on clothes, in hair, up noses as result of #8
10. All those bottles simultaneously hitting the ground in a just-cleared area five feet from where I was standing
11. "Hey, this is a lot of fun!"

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