Read It and Weep |
Monday, December 15, 2003
Pretty It finally happened: I love Bologna. They* put Christmas lights up all over the city two weeks ago--and I mean all over. There's hardly a street without decorations here, and walking around at night in the cold with the soft glow of the lights bouncing off the architecture (many narrow streets and portici,** and pretty much everything in Bologna is some variation of red or orange) and pine boughs arching over the streets and festively-strung trees in the major piazze. It's a lot quieter outside now than it was before...probably because of the cold, which is honestly the strongest I've ever lived in. (And I still don't have a good winter coat, because I'm lazy and hate clothes-shopping.) A lot of people say that Bologna is different from the other major Italian cities in that, instead of having well-known landmarks, it's sort of a general mood that permeates the city. But the main thing is, I've found I'm happier just walking around here now. *Who? I don't know. The local Bureau of Making Things Festively Italian, I guess. **(After Venice, it's the second-best-preserved city-center in Italy.)
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