Read It and Weep

it's over. move to somnia.

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Monday, June 16, 2003

At first, I thought it was a joke: we just had an election less than a year ago! Davis did well! Sure, he's not universally loved, but we've had a lot worse (and quite recently). Why would there be a recall?

Nevertheless, there it is on the evening news: 700,000 of the 900,000 signatures required for a recall initiative have been collected. If they reach their goal, the initiative will be on the ballot this fall, in a special election sure to have low turnout and likely to draw voters as conservative as the people behind the recall effort.

Who's behind it? Bush's campaign coordinator for California. The president himself is one of the driving forces in this travesty, and I can't help but think about the sick and insidious game of politics--Bush having been the governor of Texas just as Gov. Davis brought to light the fact that Texan companies were screwing over the California energy market.

This stinks. Not only that the Republicans are conspiring to take out a major Democratic figure in time for the 2004 election, not only that it shows they have no respect for democracy if it doesn't produce the results they want, but most saliently that the same people who are all for cutting taxes and reducing government spending want to waste a sizeable portion of the state's money to basically hold an election that will at the least change nothing from last year's election and alternately upend our state's government in the middle of a term. What the hell? I'm too angry to feel coherent.

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