Read It and Weep

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Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Financial Phobia

Finally, something on the empty, dust-filled plains of the Internet that I can relate to! Why, just look at these excerpts!

"Financial Phobia is a psycho-social syndrome which causes individuals to avoid cognitive engagement with the management of their personal finances. Sufferers experience negative emotions of anxiety, guilt, boredom, or feelings of lack of control when dealing with money matters, resulting in lack of vigilance – and in the worst cases complete avoidance – in this area. [...]

"However, while Financialphobes may share many of the symptoms of other forms of phobia, evidence from the in-depth interviews suggests that in general they are well adjusted individuals who cope well in other psychological and social aspects of their lives – for example interpersonal relationships or careers. [...]

"Financialphobes are highly intelligent people who are high achievers in other domains of their lives, such as careers and family lives. They do not display characteristics of the stereotypes associated with feckless or incompetent individuals. There is no evidence that they are spendthrifts or impulsive – if anything they understand well the importance of sound management of their finances, but have become entwined in a psychological syndrome which makes it near to impossible for them to deal with their personal finances."

Then there's some crap about teaching people to plan for the future and confront their bank statements and blah blah blah oh please just kill me now.*

*The author requests that you sheathe your weapons and allow him carry on with his melodrama.

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