Read It and Weep

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Wednesday, March 12, 2003
America the Interested?

A lot has happened in the past month. I received my first acceptance to grad school.* I went hiking and happened to meet a middle-aged man, naked from the ankles up, coming the other way. I went to Southern California to visit friends and found myself accused of a hit-and-run for scratching someone's parked car (hey, I looked and I didn't see the mark) and parking 100 feet away. I sent resumes out for administrative positions at realty and investment corporations just to give myself the satisfaction of sending resumes out. (I have yet to hear anything from anyone.)** I have discovered the joy of (and capability for) burning friends' CDs and have copied a couple of dozen over the past two weeks. I am in what appears to be a bona fide relationship, and I'm not clawing at the walls.*** I went wine-touring in Sonoma and managed to escape after buying only chocolates.

What I think about most, though, is that everywhere I turn, there is serious talk about The War. On The Daily Show this week, Jon Stewart earnestly interviewed the head of the Council on Foreign Relations. I flipped over to MTV today--MTV!--for some mindless entertainment and they were showing a question-and-answer session with Tony Blair.**** I'm thinking that maybe America is actually interested in what's going on around the world. Huh?

*Yesterday! Via email! To study in Italy! The only drawback is that no financial aid was offered. (Here's to the hope that my scholarships come through.)

**At least I have more time to read Man's Search for Meaning during the day and lie in bed at night thinking about what it means.

***Hell, we went orienteering together last weekend and--somehow--won our course.

****Don't worry, though: the kids were expectedly discourteous.

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