Read It and Weep

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Friday, December 20, 2002
Y'Know, Stuff.

I don't know. I've been falling into some random happinesses the past few days. Allow me to elaborate.

Last week, I dropped my roommate off in NW Berkeley to pick up her car from the mechanic, and then I wandered over to the Berkeley Marina. It was just about five, and as has been common lately, the rain had taken a break and the sky was suffused with a golden light. The clouds were pink and blue and orange and gray, the hills behind me were glowing green, and San Francisco looked as sharp as I could ever recall. I ran across an old woman walking with two canes, and we chatted for a bit about how we'd both been headed home, then felt pulled to stop and look. I was wearing sandals and a T-shirt, but the cold didn't really bug me. As I headed back to the car, I pointed to the full moon (out already!) shining like a big round shiny thing, and we both smiled.

The other day, I was in Berkeley (again), and I decided to treat myself to some gelato. (Yes, in the rain.) Surprisingly, the rose flavor is really, really good. It smells vaguely like perfume, but it's got such a rich, sweet taste. Must...go...back...

And yesterday, I was at the library doing research on refugee resettlement for my interminable grad-school applications. On my way to check-out, I decided to take a look at the CD-rental area and O! My! Gracious! They've got The Sundays and REM and Smashing Pumpkins and all this other stuff I'd never seen before and I'm practically drooling over getting to burn copies of all of them.

Hey, happy holidays, kids!

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