Read It and Weep

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Monday, September 09, 2002
La La La

So what did I learn during my weekend in LA?

1. LA is really nice in small doses. (It was my first visit in two years, hey hey.)

2. If some guy at a party overhears you saying you went to Berkeley, and he makes a big stink about how Berkeley students are all weenies (?) because he's a big-shot Stanford grad and doesn't believe that any sane person would turn down Stanford to go to Berkeley: wait a few hours and he'll be on his knees in front of the commode because he drank too entirely fucking much and deserves what comes back to him.

3. Being able to wake up and wander a hundred feet out to the beach from your friend's apartment is really cool.

4. When driving is seen as an occasional treat--not a grinding routine--battling traffic for an hour in order to see a friend in hotter-n-hell Valencia ("The fourth-safest city in California!") is a joy. Especially if she throws in a professional backrub for the effort.

5. "Gourmet ice cream" is not the same thing as gelato. No way, nohow.

6. For Southwest Airlines, LUV is more than just a stock symbol. It's a $29 fare. And how I feel about said fare.

7. It's good to consider timing when choosing flights. Even if you're happy to be taking Friday off, flying out at 8:30am means getting up much too early for a non-workday. Flying back at 3pm on Sunday means the day is a wash (although you will get home in time to go biking and then catch that episode of The Simpsons you missed during the regular season). Changing even one reservation means paying more than the original round-trip cost (see above) and is generally frowned upon.

8. There's nothing quite like taking a Saturday-night tour of the elementary school where your friend teaches eighth grade. Nothing like it.

9. Downtown bites. And the parking! You know it's bad when plugging $2 into a parking meter for one hour is the best option available.

10. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art is damn cool. Of course, being next to the La Brea Tar Pits makes for a power team which cannot be denied.

11. You can't really ever write off that guy that you spent an amazing evening with once three years ago (and who then returned to his home 3000 miles away and left you wondering if anything more could ever possibly happen between you two, and who on the phone comes across as something akin to disinterested--maybe more like amicable-but-nothing-more...) because you could meet up with him again and discover that some mutual interest remains, albeit you are still separated by 400 miles and aaaargh, this is confusing.

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