Read It and Weep

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Friday, September 20, 2002
Cher and Cher Alike

I picked up a free CD of recent dance hits at the East Bay Pride festivities about...oh, three weeks ago, but I hadn't really gotten to listen to it until today at work. It contains the usual mix of good and bad, as can be expected on a giveaway. One of the the good ones is the first single off Cher's latest album (Living Proof. I have no idea if it's any good. Sorry.), and I have to admit I like it. I'm not normally into such cheesy stuff, but it just fit the mood.

Then a med-student friend called me to gripe and I discovered--to my joy--that the song's title adds a little spice to casual conversation, when sprinkled in liberally. Let's observe:

Caller: I'm so glad I'll be working among men. Women in medicine are just so mean to each other.
Me: That's a different kind of love song!

Caller: God, what am I saying? I must have multiple-personality disorder!
Me: That's a different kind of love song!

Caller: I just can't be a general surgeon. I just can't deal with ass.
Me: That's a different kind of love song!

Caller: At least you've dated for more than a couple of months, right?
Me: Well, what do you mean by a couple?
Caller: Two.
Me: Oh, then yes--
Caller: ...A couple. Of months. Not like dating a couple, like a menage a trois, or anything!
Me: That's a different kind of love song!

Caller: Oh, and we had to use a foley on this one guy.
Me: A what?
Caller: A foley--oh, you know, a catheter.
Me: That's a different kind of love song!
Caller: Yeah, and I realized I'm so glad I'm not a man or a lesbian, 'cause on a woman it's just so hard to find anything down there!
Me: It's a different kind of love song!
Caller: It totally is!

Oh, fun!

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